Jeff Webb Applauds Blackburn After She Asked Four Democratic Senators Seeking the White House to Recuse Themselves From Senate Impeachment Trial


Jeff Webb, founder and chairman of The New American Populist (TNAP), praised Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) after she asked the four Democratic senators running for president to recuse themselves from the Senate’s impeachment hearings.

The four senators Blackburn referred to where Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Michael Bennett (D-CO) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).

“What Senator Blackburn has done is expose the hypocrisy of the Democrat impeachment ploy by calling for these senators to recuse themselves,” Webb said. “Since they have a great deal to gain if President Trump were to be removed from office, they are themselves using their positions for personal political gain, the very thing they contend the President did.”

Webb said a vote by these four senators would be “an insult to the institution of the Senate, as well as the American people.”

In addition to praising Blackburn’s Senate comments, Webb asked Tennessee’s other senator, Lamar Alexander, to also ask these four senators to recuse themselves.

“Along with thousands of Tennessee citizens, I hope that our senior senator, Lamar Alexander, will join with Senator Blackburn in pressing for this simple fairness,” he said. “Senator Alexander is well known for defending the institution of the Senate. There can be no greater defense of the institution than to demand open and obvious conflicts of interest be set aside.”

This is not the first time Webb has called out elected officials in Washington D.C. In December, the TNAP founder criticized the 46 House Democrats in battleground districts for voting for impeachment.

The Senate impeachment trial began Thursday, but hearings won’t begin until next Tuesday. Last month, the Democrat-controlled House impeached the president on two charges. However, the House waited almost four weeks to hand over the impeachment process to the Senate.

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Star News Digital Media. If you have any tips, email Zachery at [email protected].




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